Friday, August 29, 2003

Gibraltar Farm - The prettiest campsite in Silverdale

The prettiest campsite in Silverdale - maybe when it's not spoilt by noisy scousers tho' it is the sort of site where you can do more or less what you want so of course some do with the 'sod everyone else - we're only having fun' attitude.

Having said that, if you get a quiet week/end then it is the best place in the the world - avoid bank holidays and cup final weekends - and you should be alright - the warden (new for 2003) should help keep things from getting too bad - also helps if its raining and blowing a gale - keeps the fairweather gazebo campers away.

Oh and its usually fairly windy, but this week it wasn't - until we're packing up to go home, when up pops a fresh little breeze. The Tolla flies OK, but is not as sharp as the HQ Symphony 1.4 - will have to try on same lines for a fair comparison - also need to find out more about the NASA wing - it definitely does not like any turbulence or changes of wind direction.

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